Evening everyone. Here we are with the first day of the long weekend almost over. Unfortunately I have to work the entire thing. But maybe the next one.
Here is the card I made for Grant's teacher. Unfortunately she is leaving the school this year. I am so glad that both kids were able to have her as a teacher.
Poor Grant wasn't even able to spend the last day with her. I sent him on the bus for the first time since his accident. When he arrived at school I received a phone call saying he was sick and had to go home. Poor little fellow ended up with the flu. Passing it on to his dad the next day. Now Sam has a cold. I'm sure that will go around the house.
Well recently we have become a very electronic family. We've always had a couple PC's, a couple laptops, DS's, I-pods. The phones we had were just little flip phone that was only used for calls and the occasional text. For Sam's graduation we wanted to get her a phone. We ended up with all three of us getting Blackberry Z10. That posed a problem when Grant went away for the weekend and we had no phone to send with him.(not sending a new smartphone to a cottage with a 12 year old) I ended up buying another flip phone for him to use. Last week the Source had Kobo mini's on half price. I already had one, but now the whole family has their own. Yesterday Grant purchased the newest DS3D with his allowance money. OMG, what did we do before all these electronics.
keep smiling
dee ;o)